Poster of the movie Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors (2000)

Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors


A young man arrives at a hotel for an assignation; she calls to say she's not coming. He is Jae-hoon, she is Soo-jung; they've met through Young-soo, an independent filmmaker. Soo-jung writes for Young-soo; Jae-hoon may finance his film project. From varying points of view in two long parallel flashbacks, we see what precedes the hotel date.

  • Screenshot #1 from Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors (2000)
  • Screenshot #2 from Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors (2000)
  • Screenshot #3 from Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors (2000)

A young man arrives at a hotel for an assignation; she calls to say she's not coming. He is Jae-hoon, she is Soo-jung; they've met through Young-soo, an independent filmmaker. Soo-jung writes for Young-soo; Jae-hoon may finance his film project. From varying points of view in two long parallel flashbacks, we see what precedes the hotel date.

Details differ, and each account includes events missing from the other. Characters are quiet and self-contained, then animated; victims apologize. Each character frequently asks, "Really?" What has really happened? Is one account more accurate? Is a kiss the most enjoyable and promising human contact? Connections are tenuous and fragile.

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