The Sunshine Makers
The untold story of two idealistic young underground chemists at the heart of the American psychedelic revolution. A real-life 'Breaking Bad' for the psychedelic set, this documentary reveals the entertaining, untold story of Nicholas Sand and Tim Scully, the unlikely duo at the heart of 1960s American drug counterculture.
The untold story of two idealistic young underground chemists at the heart of the American psychedelic revolution. A real-life 'Breaking Bad' for the psychedelic set, this documentary reveals the entertaining, untold story of Nicholas Sand and Tim Scully, the unlikely duo at the heart of 1960s American drug counterculture.
United in a utopian mission to save the planet through the consciousness-raising power of LSD, these underground chemists manufactured a massive amount of acid, including the gold standard for quality LSD, Orange Sunshine, as they tried to stay one step ahead of the feds.
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