Poster of the movie The Jailhouse (2009)

The Jailhouse


In Colton, Deputy Seth Delray is hired by Sheriff Hooper and he temporarily moves with his wife Grace (Siri Baruc) and their two children to an old jailhouse while the constructor Calvin repairs their house. When the local prison has a problem, six inmates are transferred to the soundproof jailhouse that is considered cursed and is located on the second floor of the house.

  • Screenshot #1 from The Jailhouse (2009)
  • Screenshot #2 from The Jailhouse (2009)
  • Screenshot #3 from The Jailhouse (2009)

In Colton, Deputy Seth Delray is hired by Sheriff Hooper and he temporarily moves with his wife Grace (Siri Baruc) and their two children to an old jailhouse while the constructor Calvin repairs their house. When the local prison has a problem, six inmates are transferred to the soundproof jailhouse that is considered cursed and is located on the second floor of the house.

Seth finds the badge of the former sheriff that was murdered in the jailhouse and soon he is possessed by an evil spirit and starts killing the inmates.

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