The Girl Most Likely to...
College co-ed Miriam Knight, portrayed by Stockard Channing is smart, witty, and well-meaning, but endures endless bullying because of how she looks and how much she weighs. But due to a freak car accident, she has plastic surgery, with results beyond anyone's imagination. Now ravishing and beautiful, she looks nothing like she used to, but the abuse she suffered while ugly still hurts.
College co-ed Miriam Knight, portrayed by Stockard Channing is smart, witty, and well-meaning, but endures endless bullying because of how she looks and how much she weighs. But due to a freak car accident, she has plastic surgery, with results beyond anyone's imagination. Now ravishing and beautiful, she looks nothing like she used to, but the abuse she suffered while ugly still hurts.
Now, Miriam is on a mission for deadly revenge from former tormentors.
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