The Game
"A long time ago, I played football with an outstanding group of men, under the guidance of a tremendous coach. I was twelve-years-old. " With these few heartfelt words filmmaker Robert Tinnell introduces "The Game, " a true story with immerses the viewer into the world of children's organized football.
"A long time ago, I played football with an outstanding group of men, under the guidance of a tremendous coach. I was twelve-years-old. " With these few heartfelt words filmmaker Robert Tinnell introduces "The Game, " a true story with immerses the viewer into the world of children's organized football.
Shot in the rugged coal country of Ida May, West Virginia, on the same field where the actual events took place, "The Game" offers a realistic, if poetic, look at how young mean really feel when they step onto the playing field - and how the game of football prepares them for life and all of its consequences.
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