Precure All Stars New Stage Movie: Friends of the Future
Fusion, the dark matter, threatens Japan but the Prettycure defeat him left with particles of him scattered all around. Megumi, cure Happy, and her friends search for Fusion followed by their fairy Candy. However, a fateful encounter brings them to find a mysterious girl named Ayumi, and a new group of friends who share a common goal.
Fusion, the dark matter, threatens Japan but the Prettycure defeat him left with particles of him scattered all around. Megumi, cure Happy, and her friends search for Fusion followed by their fairy Candy. However, a fateful encounter brings them to find a mysterious girl named Ayumi, and a new group of friends who share a common goal.
Can the Prettycure and their new friends defeat this enemy Fusion? Or perhaps the power of friendship can solve this? Lend all your hope towards them!
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