Moonlight in Tokyo
"Swan Lake, " "The Ugly Duckling, " magical realism, and two Chinese men in Tokyo. Jun is mildly mentally disabled, in his late 20s, living with his siblings after his mother has died.
"Swan Lake, " "The Ugly Duckling, " magical realism, and two Chinese men in Tokyo. Jun is mildly mentally disabled, in his late 20s, living with his siblings after his mother has died.
Knowing he's a burden to them, he runs away to the Shinjuku district where, on the first night, he recognizes another Chinese he knew in school years earlier - it's Hoi, a wannabe gangster deeply in debt to a loan shark who's just had him beaten. Jun helps Hoi home and the next day a quasi-protectorate starts. Hoi and a Chinese friend market Jun as a Korean gigolo. There's more to Jun than meets the eye, and more to Hoi's past. Who's taking care of whom?
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