Poster of the movie Middonaito îguru (2007)

Middonaito îguru

Unfortunately, there is no trailer.

As the Americans run Japan they also reserve the right to fly aeroplanes with nuclear weapons on board over the skies of the country. The Japanese mountains are often referred to as the Alps and it is here that a secretive US military aircraft with weapons of mass destruction crashes. The race is on for a group of journalists to climb the mountains and reach it.

  • Screenshot #1 from Middonaito îguru (2007)
  • Screenshot #2 from Middonaito îguru (2007)
  • Screenshot #3 from Middonaito îguru (2007)

As the Americans run Japan they also reserve the right to fly aeroplanes with nuclear weapons on board over the skies of the country. The Japanese mountains are often referred to as the Alps and it is here that a secretive US military aircraft with weapons of mass destruction crashes. The race is on for a group of journalists to climb the mountains and reach it.

Yet, they are not the only ones aiming at securing the site for their own purposes.

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