Poster of the movie Inherit the Wind (1999)

Inherit the Wind


This is another re-enactment of the play about the trial in 1925 of a school teacher who dared to teach Darwinian theory in his classroom. He did this as a consequence of one of his student's request to know..

  • Screenshot #1 from Inherit the Wind (1999)
  • Screenshot #2 from Inherit the Wind (1999)
  • Screenshot #3 from Inherit the Wind (1999)

This is another re-enactment of the play about the trial in 1925 of a school teacher who dared to teach Darwinian theory in his classroom. He did this as a consequence of one of his student's request to know..

The student was a lad named 'Stebbins', and the trial (dubbed the 'Monkey Trial') pitted the great attorney of the day, Clarence Darrow, against the often running presidential candidate, and famous orator, William Jennings Bryan.

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