During WWII in neutral Sweden, young sailor Bo, son of a railway stationmaster, comes home from the Navy and reminisces a childhood accident: At 12, he ran away in a steam locomotive with a blind 10-year-old girl. The engine derailed, and the little girl got killed. Feelings of guilt haunt Bo even in his courtship with Eva, a beautiful local girl.
During WWII in neutral Sweden, young sailor Bo, son of a railway stationmaster, comes home from the Navy and reminisces a childhood accident: At 12, he ran away in a steam locomotive with a blind 10-year-old girl. The engine derailed, and the little girl got killed. Feelings of guilt haunt Bo even in his courtship with Eva, a beautiful local girl.
In Stockholm, Bo has a nightmare about plotting to kill his roommate Göran together with Göran's flirtatious girlfriend Susanne. In a third act, Eva and Bo are married and living on a remote island off Stockholm. When their child is about to be born, Bo must row the stormy seas and he fears that he will cause another death.
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