Enemy Empire
Sol Tristan James Butler is a bent-on-revenge fugitive with a powerful robotic arm in a post-apocalyptic desert world. He hunts for a hidden mad king and the love he lost. After escaping from a dungeon, he roams an endless wasteland filled with eccentric killers and thieves and befriends one of them, Cleo Elisabeth Meurer, who is on her own quest to leave this place.
Sol Tristan James Butler is a bent-on-revenge fugitive with a powerful robotic arm in a post-apocalyptic desert world. He hunts for a hidden mad king and the love he lost. After escaping from a dungeon, he roams an endless wasteland filled with eccentric killers and thieves and befriends one of them, Cleo Elisabeth Meurer, who is on her own quest to leave this place.
They both catch Sun Disease, a post-war ailment caused by poison sunlight that makes you see your face on other people. Unable to tell friend from foe, and with the King's Guard on their tail, they seek the help of an Oracle to help Sol find the King. But the Oracle is a ruthless manipulator with her own agenda who sends them along another path. Sol's simple mission to hunt someone down and Cleo's desire to escape this crazy land twist and turn into something else entirely as a colorful cast of misfit miscreants batter them through an upbeat post apocalyptic world with dark humor and darker secrets.
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