Poster of the movie Down River (2018)

Down River

Unfortunately, there is no trailer.

This Story is set during a fictional war between two unidentified countries. A military-issue civilian truck, carrying four soldiers on a forward observing mission has broken down six miles behind enemy lines. Pvt. Avery is a Combat Correspondent who has been attached to the mission, and is not immediately accepted into the squad of Forward Observers.

  • Screenshot #1 from Down River (2018)
  • Screenshot #2 from Down River (2018)
  • Screenshot #3 from Down River (2018)

This Story is set during a fictional war between two unidentified countries. A military-issue civilian truck, carrying four soldiers on a forward observing mission has broken down six miles behind enemy lines. Pvt. Avery is a Combat Correspondent who has been attached to the mission, and is not immediately accepted into the squad of Forward Observers.

The group, led by Lt. Harp, has a plan: They'll make their way to a nearby river, build a raft, and then, under cover of night, float back to friendly territory. The squad is concerned for Avery's safety due to him only having a combat camera. The soldiers come upon a river and encounter a native of the land. They decide to take turns guarding the native, building a raft, and waiting for nightfall. Pvt. Mills taunts the POW (native) during his turn on guard. While waiting for nightfall, Avery explains to Silva that he wants his pictures & documentation of the mission to help people care about what soldiers go through in war. Mills cuts the native loose in hopes that he will run, so that he can shoot him in the back. The native instead attacks him and stabs him in the femoral artery. Mills dies due to loss of blood, and Harp decides they will spend the night and figure out what to do in the morning. Later that night, Sgt. Silva wakes Pvt. Avery and shows him the camp site of two enemy perimeter guards. They infiltrate their tent, kill the two enemy and eat their remaining food. The next morning they wake up and begin to build their raft down by the river. Silva finds a small enemy camp, which is occupied by an enemy General. Silva persuades Harp to go on an assassination mission, which includes killing the enemy General and using their boat to quickly travel down river toward the green. That night, Silva distracts the enemy soldiers, while Avery and Harp assassinate the General and his Lieutenant. Silva is fatally wounded, and they begin their journey down the river. Harp stops the boat quickly, he tells Avery that he thinks they might be on the wrong river. Avery discovers that Silva is no longer breathing. Avery decides to throw his camera's SD-Card in the river, and loses his pictures documenting their time behind enemy lines. Harp asks why he destroyed the pictures and Avery tells him, 'none of them are worth anything, anyway. 'Avery asks where they are going and Harp says that he does NOT know. The two soldiers float off down the river and into darkness.

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