Poster of the movie Calm at Sunset (1996)

Calm at Sunset


The 18-year-old James Pfeiffer quits college and decides to become a fisherman like his father. Margaret and Russell are very upset with their son's decision. They had a lot of hopes for him, finishing law school and, like his older brother Joseph, make a decent living on shore rather than an uncertain and dangerous career at sea.

  • Screenshot #1 from Calm at Sunset (1996)
  • Screenshot #2 from Calm at Sunset (1996)
  • Screenshot #3 from Calm at Sunset (1996)

The 18-year-old James Pfeiffer quits college and decides to become a fisherman like his father. Margaret and Russell are very upset with their son's decision. They had a lot of hopes for him, finishing law school and, like his older brother Joseph, make a decent living on shore rather than an uncertain and dangerous career at sea.

James dreams of having his own boat though and is determined to persevere.

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