The film follows "The Professor", a man suffering from a terminal disease, who by a twist of fate, witnesses an incredible event involving his mysterious neighbor Agatha. Hoping to find a cure to his sickness - he agrees to follow her on a strange and risky journey into a forgotten but not entirely deserted urban wasteland.
The film follows "The Professor", a man suffering from a terminal disease, who by a twist of fate, witnesses an incredible event involving his mysterious neighbor Agatha. Hoping to find a cure to his sickness - he agrees to follow her on a strange and risky journey into a forgotten but not entirely deserted urban wasteland.
The passing of time and the disintegration of nature, institutions, and people all set the tone for a story. AGATHA is designed to evoke an unsettling mood and to leave many unanswered questions about the events taking place inside the film, resulting in a suspenseful earth-shattering conclusion.
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