Poster of the movie 5 Weddings (2018)

5 Weddings


An American journalist travels to India for what she thinks will be an easy magazine feature on Bollywood weddings, only to have the assignment interrupted by a cop, who is convinced there is journalistic espionage behind the innocent magazine article.

  • Screenshot #1 from 5 Weddings (2018)
  • Screenshot #2 from 5 Weddings (2018)
  • Screenshot #3 from 5 Weddings (2018)

An American journalist travels to India for what she thinks will be an easy magazine feature on Bollywood weddings, only to have the assignment interrupted by a cop, who is convinced there is journalistic espionage behind the innocent magazine article.

As the coverage of Bollywood weddings unfolds, so does a colorful mosaic of lost loves, transgender tangles and culture clashes along the heartfelt journey of life, symbolized by the universal ups and downs of a wedding celebration.

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